
writer, poet, narrator, artist

Another way to tell stories through the audio medium which I absolutely adore, is podcasting. I currently have two podcasting projects on the go, and I am trying my darnedest not to collect more.

The Mythsterhood of the Travelling Tales

In the first season of this collaborative blog and podcast, we explore dragon in folklore and mythology throughout cultures across the world. Join us on our trip from East to West, and visit our Discord community to hang out with us, ask questions, or get sneak previews of each week’s exclusive episode art by Anike Kirsten.

Journals of a Journeyman Bard


In this solo podcast, I journal about my journey as a creative and a storyteller. You get me, as I am. Sometimes sleepy, sometimes grumpy, and of course sometimes happy. There will be interruptions from dogs or spouse, and I will not be removing these, as they are as much a part of my life as my stories and poems are.


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