Tales of empowerment for
magic-hungry readers

The INKreadables, Episode 2: Self-trust

Well, remember a while back when I was so excited I could scream? My friend and poetry mentor Damian Jay Clay and I recorded a podcast. We’d recruited a guest to join us and discuss writerish things. Well, we did it again. It was no less exciting the second time around. We dragged another more-or-less-willing…
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Book Review: Bird by Bird, Some Instructions on Writing and Life

For a few weeks now, I’ve been feeling horribly stuck with the novel I’m working on at the moment. It was as if words no longer liked hanging out with me, or even visiting me briefly. I complained about it to my dear friend and fellow INKling, Damian Jay Clay. Because let’s face it. That’s…
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Book Review: Space Unicorn Blues by T.J. Berry

Throw Star Trek, My Little Pony and all the social critique you can think of in a blender. Press the button, and voila. You’ve got Space Unicorn Blues right there. I came across this book by accident and decided to go crazy and just get it. With that title, how could I resist? As always…
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The INKreadables, Episode 1: A Whole New Adventure

Last week, I embarked on a crazy new adventure together with a dear friend and fellow INKling, Damian Jay Clay. About a month ago, he and I first started talking about this crazy thing we wanted to do. The plan was to start a podcast about writing. And last week, we finally did it. Well,…
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Book Review: Damn Fine Story by Chuck Wendig

Every penny is turned over twice and quite often bitten in two before it gets spent on renovations to our home. This means I have a very limited book budget and I spend a lot of time thinking long and hard before deciding to buy one. However, I’ve been killing myself trying to work on…
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Mirror Mirror on the Wall

  Who is the awesomest writer of them all? Think you know the answer? Let me give you a hint: there is no such thing. Wow, Jasmine, you sure do give good pep talks. Actually, I usually do. But it’s a fact. Recently, I was talking to one of the Inklings (that’s what we call…
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Tequila Shot. A 50-word Story (Microflash)

Mutt watched as the girl slammed back the shot and bit into a slice of lemon. What was her name again? Jodie? Joni? Shit. Why was he here? Annie would hate this place. She’d be right. He tossed a few bills on the bartop, walked outside and grabbed his phone.     Another week, another…
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Out of Danger

“She’s out of danger.” The doctor’s words echoed through my head as I clung to Lily’s hand. I’d never forget the sight of her–helpless and fragile. A tube down her throat breathing for her. Alive, yes. If you’d call it that. She’d never leave this behind. And neither would I.     This week’s fifty…
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Hello Mary Sue, Goodbye Readers

We all know them. Or know of them. Those people whose parents can not only afford to give them anything and everything they could possibly ever need, they also provide them. Right? I bet a name just popped in to your head as you were reading. These people have had nothing but tail wind in…
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Unconditional (MicroFlash)

Bri leaned against the tree–its shade a relief from sunlight. After the violence his father inflicted on her, would she ever love this child? Sudden, tingling warmth flowed from under her fingers where they rested on her abdomen. It was too soon for kicking. But he was there. Her son.       Well, I…
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