Women Rock Horror, and Not Just in February

So in case you hadn’t noticed, February was Women in Horror Month. We are sorely underrepresented in the genre. We can be so much more than the victim, the scream queen, the set dressing. We are the hero, the badass, the villain. The writer.
So in the last month I’ve focused in female authors killing it in the horror genre. Since these are horror stories, I’m not going to include content warnings. Proceed with caution. If you don’t want to be unsettled, frightened or otherwise distraught, it may just not be the genre for you.
First up, one of my favourite authors, since listening to the masterful narration of her story The Coven of Dead Girls. Check out the work of L’Erin Ogle!
Next up, a recent piece from the Pseudopod stable. This story, with its intersection of scifi, horror, and its slight medical flavour, gave me absolute chills during my bike ride home from work.
This is one of those stories that made my screams echo through the digital halls of the INKubator Discord community. Not in terror. In enthusiasm. I knew at least three of our members would love it as much as I do. Hot damn. All the feels. I still shiver in delight at the memory of this delectable piece by the inimitable Rae Carson.
And lastly, a special shout out to The Wicked Library, one of the regulars in my podcast menu. For Women In Horror month, the Librarian even shared his mic with a delicious, creepy lady emcee. I especially enjoyed Train Man, a full cast audio production.
I’d love to hear what you thought about these stories. Liked them? Hated them? Anything in between? If you’d like to discuss it, find me on discord or through my newsletter and let’s dig in!